Just As You Are

Just As You Are


“Just As You Are”



Energetic Focus:

You are accepted and loved by the Universe/God. Co-create with divine purpose. Your spiral journey. Return to love to return to yourself. Service to the whole. Your journey is just beginning The Great Mystery receives you with open arms. Soul meetings will find you on your path. Allow yourself to be you, to be seen. This is part of your journey forward.

Kuan Yin is a companion energetic archetype to this series. Within this painting her message is:

Come as you are beloved. Do not be frightened by Divine Love. You are deserving of love, freedom and joy. Hold this peace in your heart.

Created with crystal and mineral water color pigments. Silver leaf. Channeled energy from the themes listed above. Reiki infused for continual energy healing and support to unfold.

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